Midgard 2023

New workshop announced / Nýtt workshop kynnt! – Gathers & Pleats – Methods for controlling fullness in fabric craft

íslenska neðar:

It’s update monday, and today we would like to announce one of our confirmed workshops, Gathers & Pleats – Methods for controlling fullness in fabric craft., hosted by WyrdDaughl – Tora Powlen.

You can read details about this panel on our schedule page here: http://www.midgardreykjavik.is/schedule

Why not give the gift of a convention, with our reduced price tickets, available throughout December:


Í dag er tilkynningar mánudagur og í dag kynnum við einn af staðfestu fyrirlestrunum okkar; Gathers & Pleats – Methods for controlling fullness in fabric craft. í boði WyrdDaughl – Tora Powlen.

Hægt er að finna fleiri upplýsingar um þennan fyrirlestur inná: http://www.midgardreykjavik.is/schedule


Af hverju ekki að gefa miða á hátíðina í jólagjöf? Lægra verð í boði út allan desember: http://www.midgardreykjavik.is/tickets

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